Beauty and wellness: the restart

COVID-19 has brought deep changes to the way beauty and wellness brands communicate. As consumers shift towards organizations involved in real causes, brands need to adapt to higher expectations on solidarity and sustainability.

beauty and wellness communication

The beauty and wellness industry had to rethink its communication strategy with customers, after the pandemic COVID-19 started to spread.

Some companies, those that engage more directly with customers, were immediately prevented from performing their services, which forced them to focus on digital communications strategies. Now, during a period of better stabilization and control of the virus (even if the future is still uncertain), some professionals are returning to their activities, even with restrictions and greater preventive care.

However, new working methods, consumption patterns and ways of interacting with consumers have already begun to emerge, reshaping the sector. Now, more than ever, consumers need to feel more confident with their body and appearance. Inner optimism enhances a better state of mind for others and for what surrounds us.

The real change will be in the way brands communicate from now on. Our research has shown that, going forward, consumers are expected to become more demanding when it comes to communication from their favorite brands. Therefore, the content strategies will have to follow this renewal of thought.

Strategies for beauty and wellness brands during and after COVID-19

Social responsibility now means protection and optimism

In times of social crisis, it is crucial that organizations build simple, practical, and informative communication routines. Top performing brands are a driving force for future actions and now, more than ever, they will have a real and tangible role in the problems that a society may face.

French house of cosmetics and perfumes, Guerlain, proved to be an entity permeated with social responsibility, when it started to produce disinfectant gel in its facilities (in Rambouillet and Chartres), in order to help hospitals in France.

Communication regarding this solidary practice was widely applauded on social networks:

case study social resposability communication

Sustainability communication needs to be backed-up by product development

The coronavirus has taught us how vulnerable we are to infectious diseases and how poor environmental and health control practices can cause such great damage to a country's culture and economy.

As a result of this pandemic, CO2 emissions have been reduced up to 25%, due to the interruption of economic activity.

Therefore, issues such as stability and coherence of values, as well as concern with sanitation and the ecological footprint in the world, will become a communicative demand in wellness and beauty brands. A global industry that represents 500 billion Euros a year in revenues worldwide, still depends largely on plastic for packaging.

Ideas centered on solid, self-consumable, biodegradable features, refills and resistant containers, are expected to be a main concern for both product development and communication.

Standing out now requires new engagement strategies

Brands that did not invest in digital communication are changing their way of thinking, after this pandemic has affected their sector. The focus now will be on generating engagement with online communities.

Businesses will increasingly connect with customers through smart marketing strategies, sthat involve educational advices and entertainment, focused on improving follower’s lifestyle. They can range from:

  • Gamification - games with curiosities about products or brand history

  • Live streaming - live videos that are used as free workshops for the community (e.g. Olive & June created a manicure bootcamp for 3 weeks, teaching from basic techniques to art nails) or talks with professionals

  • Video tutorials - that promote a product or service, teaching how to use it or giving curious tips, will be in great demand;

  • Inspirational videos focused on well-being, which help in the client's day-to-day life, are also a technique to adopt (e.g. Denvers Sport Recovery recorded sound healing videos that help to reduce people's anxiety and stress).

For beauty and wellness brands, restarting communications comes with an additional responsability. Social responsability is key, as long as it is supported in real action taken to improve people’s lives. Sustainability will maintain its relevance, and it needs to be backed up by efforts on the product development side. Brands looking for new ways to engage with audiences will need to come up with new strategies to connect, such as gamification, live streaming and videos.