The Case for Educational Content Marketing

Education can be a powerful force for brand loyalty. Close to consumers’ interests and needs, 2/3 of internet users say they prefer content marketing that informs and educates them. Can this type of communication strategy make a long-term positive impact in society?


Buying motives trump selling skills

The consumer buys for emotional reasons and then justifies the reason why he did it, using logic. This concept is implemented through communication techniques, which leave everyone with a sense of “this is a remarkable, inspiring entity”.

Corporations have long understood that traditional promotion is no longer of interest to Internet users. Even the most relevant brands have long struggled to stay one step ahead, constantly searching for the newest consumption and communication trends.

Nowadays, when a future consumer is exposed to information about a new brand, it has to matter, that is, it has to involve people, teach something useful and help the consumer to become the best version of himself.

This is where the importance of producing educational content comes in as a communication strategy. The emotional value of a brand must be the central theme to be explored in its marketing strategy, having a direct influence on the results in terms of KPI's and profit.

How to get an A grade with education content

Developing an authentic and honest relationship with the target audience is the main point for companies looking foster educational content as a method of communication. Providing content of additional value, which helps to answer questions that the consumer may have, is beneficial in creating long term, loyal relationships with the brand.

Studies show that consumers are 131% more likely to buy a product / service after consuming educational content created by the company. Conversions take place after a few days, with space and time for the consumer to interpret and develop a positive feeling about the brand.

On average, a week after reading an educational communication article or post, the number of consumers who perceive the brand as “trustworthy” increases by 9% and those who see it as “positive” grows by 8% .

Drawing consumer’s attention today requires something relevant to show: telling a real story or putting complex topics in perspective. Our research shows 4 key educational content techniques that will further enhance economic growth plans for brands in 2020.

1.    Gamification generates interaction

Promotion of games that involve, educate and influence consumers, simulating real life situations that can be useful to learn.

IBM, for example, created a game called “CityOne” that is based in a problem solving challenge in areas like banking, retail, energy and water. More than 20,000 people, located in more than 130 different countries, have engaged with this game.

2.    Valuable content boosts loyalty

The creation of blogs, landing pages, and similar platforms, dedicated to the brand's product / service area, where content is shared with enlightening, inspiring and practical answers on questions that customers would like to know or seen solved.

For example, Colgate created a space called “Oral Care Center”, where prominent articles on dental health are shared. BioLite, who develops solar panels and camp stoves, writes articles with useful curiosities about reusable energy and sustainability.

The Californian brand Vinebox has a blog where it teaches consumers’ in-depth topics about the world of oenology. A marketing strategy that aims to create “new connoisseurs”.

For this, they choose to address topics such as: learning the main characteristics of a wine grape in less than 3 minutes; “Wine Speed ​​Dating”; or sommeliers replying directly to questions submitted by users, among others.

3.    Practical application videos promote a sense of belonging

Short videos, where practical knowledge is presented through inspiring and real tutorials, foster a sense of belonging.

Beauty brands like LuxyHair (e.g. premium hair extensions), for example, create videos on their YouTube channel with hairstyles tutorials (e.g. dutch braids, double buns) for customers to do at home.

In other market segments, such as gastronomy, videos can be made with recipes shared daily on social media and website. The TV channel Food Network creates educational content, in the sense that it explains visually how a dish or dessert is made (from beginning to end).

4.    From internal knowledge into e-learning content

Encouraging constant lifelong learning is a way of creating a much more human and close relationship with consumers.

Currently, a growing number of brands promote human personal development, supporting causes such as the transmission of knowledge in a democratic and free way.

In addition to communicating products and services, a corporation’s internal knowledge can be transformed into something useful to individuals, in a professional or personal context.

Barclay’s has created a website dedicated to teach coding to children: Barclay’s Code Playground. A platform designed to interact and entertain the little ones, while teaching them something important. An example of a communication strategy that increases the feeling of trust in relation to this multinational, since it proves to be a company concerned with human causes.

Educational content is now more important than ever. At a time when consumers long for brands that embrace true causes, education is top of mind and digital content is a key communication channel. To reap the benefits, brand must pursue gamification strategies, invest in valuable content written by experts in their fields, create “how to” and tutorial videos and promote online learning among their target audiences.