Corporate e-learning: how interaction is driving reskill and upskill efforts

corporate e-learning

Corporate training is not what it used to be. Having been through profound changes in the past two decades, innovative training programs are carefully designed for interaction. And there’s a reason for it. Recent studies link interactive, dynamic content with higher retention rate on the matters at hand.

The leap in corporate training

What was once done in a face-to-face meeting or via classroom ‘sit-and-listen’ approach has been adapted to a corporate learning model based on a non-classroom on-demand environment, supported by online communication and content distribution systems, also known as e-learning.

According to our research, 98% of all companies are planning to implement E-learning during 2020, and at least 74% of companies are already using Learning management systems (LMS) and virtual classrooms, webcasting or video broadcasting.

What makes E-learning such an effective way to deliver learning content to participants? Could it be a gamechanger, for both organizations and employees? In a nutshell, a strong case could be made in e-learning’s favor:

  1. E-learning is multi-faceted, more engaging, visual, haptic, and gives the opportunity to revisit training as needed. That is the key to boost retention rates by up to 60%, versus only 8% to 10% with traditional training.

  2. Employees can reduce the training time by 60% with e-learning, with time savings deriving from a reduction in travel time, breaks, meals, as well as kick-off and wrap-up speeches in learning lessons.

  3. Remote learning courses consume 90% less resources than traditional training. Given the fact that there’s no need to travel, CO2 emissions are reduced.

  4. Companies can save up to 80% of regular costs with E-learning in printing, training rooms, trainer fees, travel, catering and other materials.

A changing elearning landscape requires new coping mechanisms

The fast-paced innovation rate in e-learning makes it easy for companies to lose focus on what actually drives engagement – interactive content design to get the message across to employees in different roles and areas of the company.

As a complement to great e-learning content, our research highlights the vital few trends worth exploring for corporations looking to setup their internal e-learning models:

  • On-demand broadcasting platforms are driving continuous learning - The same way Netlifx or Amazon Prime show what is recommend for you, other platforms such as LXP (Learning Experience Platform ) suggest courses oriented for a specific individual, based on examples in your field (e.g. Marketing, Sales, Customer Support). These kinds of “automatic” suggestions are based in the user’s profile.

  • AI is one of the most recent ways to drive interaction -  AI makes it easier for employees to interact with important content in a more engaging and fun way. Resources like Robot Temi, a personal robot that can be used as an AI mentor, provide learners with access to a customized training by analyzing data collected from the previous activities. A more effective, faster and personalized way of engaging with company values and internal corporate information.

  • AR, VR and MR - Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Merged Reality promise to be an holistic solution for E-learning in companies, coming out from specific training areas like aviation, military or  manufacturing, to any other work fields that might want to explore effective real-life simulations.  AR/VR/MR can detect how an employee would react in a work situation, for example: in customer support or healthcare. The most positive side of this E-learning technique is the reduction of employee’s bad practices on daily basis. Google AR&VR or CenarioVR are good options.

  • Corporate podcasts: Podcasts are a practical learning approach, driving results right now. Podcasts are helping employees feel motivated to learn new corporative information. A podcast works like a radio show, audio book or lecture inside a company, which offers a convenient message distribution in a more engaging way, having benefits like reaching remote workers and offering a more compelling method to learn besides the traditional written way. With podcasts employees can learn while performing other tasks, like walking, on a coffee break, working out or driving. This type of e-learning content can be used to share interviews with experts, soft skills, foreign language and new hire orientations.

Corporate training has come a long away from the days of ‘sit-and-listen’ approach. As evidence builds around the fact that interaction improves retention capability, top performers are turning to e-learning as a way of boosting employee engagement and motivation.