Google Shopping: Search Marketing Benefits Behind Product Listings

Google Shopping is now evolving with the release of free product listings for merchants. A deep dive on the features of the service, which promises brands free exposure to millions of consumers.

Google Shopping Benefits

Google created Google Shopping in 2012, as a paid tool for merchants. Now, the company is taking a taking a step back, in order to to compete with Amazon’s product research and also help retailers during the pandemic. This free tool is now available (only in USA) but it will be ready to test by any business worldwide before the end of the year.

Our research has shown 2 key features that Google Shopping might entail for any e-commerce business.

Levelling up the sales game for businesses

Despite the fact that Google Shopping represents several global brands, it is possible for smaller organizations to find their niche and evolve from there. By placing large and small brands next to each other, in a “one search” approach.

When comparing businesses selling similar products, Google will carry out an adjusted market study that will allow a business to work on online positioning or SEO.

This might help small and medium-sized businesses, improve their footing in a market segment populated with larger businesses, in a way that previously would not have been possible.

Google has a new partnership with Paypal which allows merchants to speed up their product listing integration process without wasting too much time. This is important for companies that do not want to spend time in great detail during the registration process on the Google Shopping platform.

It is also good for consumers, as it makes it easier to purchase and checkout. Payment is faster and more automated.

Customer journeys now start at the marketplace, not social media

This e-commerce tool is a way for companies to reach different Internet users who may come to purchase their product.

87% of consumers start their online purchases on digital channels that promote brands (e.g. social media). However, over the last 7 years there has been a 22% of growth on journey’s started at marketplaces such as Amazon and Google Shopping.

Since 2013, Google Shopping has been gaining ground towards the market leader, Amazon, which makes 10 billion of net profit a year. The company increased Google Shopping’s tool  profit to 46.1%, with high conversion rates.

Listing products for free on Google Shopping and paying Google a portion of the revenues (instead of paying per click, as per usual with Ads), is another method of digital marketing in increasing prominence for 2020.