Food Content Marketing: 4 vital strategies

We all crave creative, fresh and eye appealing content every day on social media. This “virtual hunger” may come as no surprise, since food brands top the research list for most internet users. The manner in which these entities communicate sets trends and impacts habits.


More than 40% of internet users search for food pictures and watch other food-related content on a regular basis. This behavior has translated into a 280% of growth in food channels subscriptions during the last six years. It is fair to say that staying relevant means understanding what followers want to eat ... at least with their eyes.

A high-quality food content exacerbates our desire to eat and to replicate it at home. A psychological research has shown that our brain and visual system development is linked to the idea of acquisition of food, to “hunt it”. As a response of this neural activity, it is expected that people look for this kind of content, in an era full of digital stimulus and varied publications, and turn into loyal followers of pages and channels related to this topic.

For food businesses, to stimulate this psychological need comes naturally as a main marketing strategy. Corporations and small brands focus in producing content with stunning visuals and setting a consistent communication, followed by a deep research of food trends.

Good marketers follow the “hungriness” of Millennials

food content marketing strategies millenials

What feeds internet users these days?

Digital content, like pictures, videos, and articles, on social media and blogs need to be focused on what is relevant for clients. Our research has shown 4 vital elements that top performing food corporations are including in their content strategies.

#1 Social proof with user-generated content (UGC)

Best-in-class food brands are using content produced by their target audience as a way to share, engage and celebrate customers’ experience. Sharing real content in a website, blog and social media, generated by their clients, is both cost-effective and more engaging than “staged” content. This approaches provides social-proof to audiences, thus increasing trust. The more genuine, the better. 

#2 Food brands stand for their values

What moves a brand? What are the ideals behind the product offered? Clients appreciate when brands are not afraid to show their views. So, food businesses are not exception.

Being a trustworthy and friendly brand also means communicating what they stand for: meaning cultural and political stands, sustainability policies, work environment, health & safety procedures, to name a few.

#3 Share the story behind the food

Stories go hand in hand with food, specially nowadays, since millennial consumers became more aware about what they buy and eat, more than they parents.

Internet users (who are food brand’s real clients) want to be enlightened, they demand to know how the food is produced, where the ingredients come from and who are the people who started this project.

#4 Audio content enhances the experience

Testing new ways to use technology can make a difference. Podcasts are being used more often as a strategic tool to promote values and set an emotional connection between food consumers and brands.

Promoting conversations with specialists in nutrition, chefs, and entrepreneurs in this industry helps internet users feel closer. Bringing new understandings about human relation with food or presenting fresh scientific insights, for example, shows expertise which in turn improves the consumer's perspective on the brand.