Under Construction: why infographics matter for the Civil Engineering industry

Consumer’s attention span levels have dropped by 30% over the past 20 years. It is essential to share clear and assertive visual content, especially in more technical and specialized areas, such as civil engineering.

Digital marketing in civil engineering

Over the past decades, the average attention of an online consumer has decreased considerably. In 2001 an individual could focus on a topic for about 12 seconds. That number has dropped and is now about 8.25 seconds.

Internet users are more impatient and distracted than ever. They seek quick, easy and clear information, and when that doesn't happen, their attention automatically strays. On average, a consumer stays in a webpage less than a minute to search a topic and often leaves after 10 to 12 seconds of being there, if what they are looking for is not explicitly in sight.

In addition, consumers are extremely visual, reading on average only 20% of the text presented. This is because currently more than 60% of the population characterizes itself as a visual learner, that is, people who process visual information rather than simple text. This perception is 60,000 times faster.

Infographics are attention grabbers

Companies need to significantly impact their target audience, and convey information quickly. Infographics are a combination of graphic design, written content and statistical data, and help present very specialized information in an artistic, minimalist and illustrative way. Therefore, if construction companies want to address topics such as exterior refurbishments, insulation systems, steel framings and safety methods in works, infographics can help.

It becomes much easier for these ideas to be represented in an infographic, so that the common consumer (i.e., someone who may have no prior knowledge in this field) understands and assimilates all the information easily.

infographics content marketing

What are the benefits behind infographics for a Civil Construction companies?

For such practical themes, such as building and infrastructure construction processes, to be read and understand by potential customers, it is essential to introduce a visual dialogue, called infographics, in the digital communication of civil construction organizations. Below are the main positive reasons associated with this type of content:

#1. Show expertise

Civil Engineering is a communicative niche. By presenting to customers, or future consumers of certain services, specific information from a unique and creative perspective, companies will improve their own brand identity.

Using images, charts, and tables to support ideas demonstrates research and deep knowledge of the topic. This reveals experience in the sector, which leads to greater consumer confidence and emotional closeness to the brand. Therefore target audience's attention to the product/service the organization is communicating will naturally increase.

#2. Boost traffic and SEO

Knowing that visual content generates 94% more views than simply written content is already a plausible reason to believe in the power of infographics. However, it is also important to keep in mind that using infographics is a useful tool to boost objectives in SEO and improve brand position in search engines.

Search engines recognize infographic material and reward the positioning of pages in SERPs that have this type of communicative material. All this thanks to an algorithm that favors brands and organizations that educate and inform the public.

#3. Raise brand awareness

Infographics encourage consumers to share and engage with this form of communication,  and increase brand recognition.

Creating a visual map to demonstrate who the brand is, what products and services they offer, is an efficient storytelling technique. Businesses and organizations that have opted for this communication strategy have experienced a 12% increase in web traffic.